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DAC Artists Info

Exhibitions DAC Artists Info
Eugene Hannah Park
Eugene Hannah Park
2024 DOOSAN International Residency Program ISCP
2021 DOOSAN Curator Workshop




2020   Hong-ik University, MA, Art History, Seoul, KR
2016   Ewha Womans University, BA, Majored in Business Administration and History of Art, Seoul, KR


Working Experience

2024   DOOSAN Gallery International Residency Program - ISCP, New York, US
2023   De Appel Curatorial Programme, Amsterdam, NL
2022 -   Asian Feminist Studio for Art and Research(AFSAR)
              OB/SCENE Festival, Producer, Seoul, KR
              ARKO Art Center, Exhibition Coordinator, Seoul, KR
2020 - 2021   Seoul Museum of Art, Exhibition Coordinator, Seoul, KR
2020 - 2022   Unfounded, Curatorial Team, Seoul, KR
2019 -   Against the Dragon Light, Curatorial Team, Seoul, KR
2017 - 2018   CAN Foundation, Curator, Seoul, KR


Selected Projects
2024   Missing by Mooni Perry, Producer
2023   Proxy Conference: In Forest, Tai Kwun, AFSAR team
            Hope is a Discipline, de Appel 2023 CP, Curator
            Proxy Conference, esea contemporary, AFSAR team
            Stone Circle: The Secret of the Museum, rpg game, Curator/Developer
2022   ARKO Art & Tech Festival: The Fable of Net in Earth, ARKO Art Center, Exhibition Coordinator
2022   Mårten Spångberg, I’m Hiding One Of These, OB/SCENE Festival, Producer
            Calypso Καλυψώ, DOOSAN Gallery, Curatorial Team
            Arecibo, This is not a church, Curator
            Unfounded, online, Curatorial team, areyoulost.xyz
            Library Under the Sea, gather.town, Curatorial Team
2021   UN/LEARNING AUSTRALIA, Seoul Museum of Art, Exhibition Coordinator
            Permanent Collection, MMCA, Researcher
            Dial-in Dinner, online, Curatorial Team
2020   as Practice of Learning, Seoul Museum of Art, Exhibition Coordinator
            ADL Mail Art, off/online, Curatorial team (Seoul, Taipei, Singapore, Hong Kong)

2019   Solidarity School, Seoul Museum of Art, Exhibition Coordinator

            Collecting Architecture for All, Seoul Museum of Art, Exhibition Coordinator
2018   Between Power and Disease, CAN Foundation, Curator
2017   Natur-al Plan, CAN Foundation, Curator


Selected Writings

2023   Dancing After The Tempest, DAI(Dutch Art Institute) (Italian/English)
2022   Sticking Finger inside the Hole of a Rock, NEWSPAPER Volume 3 (Korean)
            Sonar of Hinterland - Hinterland Review, Material Volume 7 (Korean)
            Indigestion of Kirby - Kirby in Mouthful Mode, Game Generation Volume 6 (Korean)
            Translator: Making Series, Magazine <them> (Korean)
2021   Losing, 경로를 재탐색합니다 UN/LEARNING AUSTRALIA (English/Korean)
            Hyphen: Side-walk Review (Korean)
            Carrier Bag: Making Series, Magazine them (Korean)


2023   Artist Residency Funding, Art Council of Korea
2021 - 2022   Doosan Curatorial Workshop, DOOSAN Gallery
2020 - 2022   ARKO Creative Academy, Art Council of Korea
2019 - 2022   International Exchange Funding, Art Council of Korea
2021   ART MUST GO ON, Seoul Foundation of Art
